A Global community making a once in a lifetime Commitment to Humanity

Our goal is one of epic proportions. We aim to bring the voices of the world to the people of the world. The most peaceful message, has always been there, and the objective of Quranic One, is one of peace and harmony, unity and education. This is a project where everyone is included, and everyone has a place.

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Surahs, or chapters make up the complete holy Quran, revealed over a total of 23 years.
6,348 Ayahs, or verses make up the total number of verses in the entire Quran. 
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You Sound Awesome?

Globally there are 8,231,613,070 people, as o f 2025. Only 6,348 unique voices will be required to complete the full recording, of this recitation of the translation of the Quran in the English language. Are you one of the chosen ones?

Scholarship & Fees

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DIscover Campus

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#Disocover Campus

A Campus without Precendent

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What Students Say

Limitless Learning,
More Posibilities

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Upcoming Events

25 June 2020

Helping to change the World in Better ways

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25 June 2020

Expand a business mass in other countries plan

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25 June 2020

Transforming our laboratory in Science Facilities

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